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Bet coming from free rounds will have is_freeround_bet = true and win will have is_freeround_win = true
A: When the player receives free rounds, this will be the order of events on your wallet:
A: You will receive a normal bet, and the jackpot win will be sent tied to the same roundid but it will be of type 'jackpotWin'. is_jackpot_win will be true.
Q: Should the rollback be allowed even if 'round_id' parameter is not present?
If any error happens while processing DEBIT or CREDIT requests, you will receive a ROLLBACK request, which you have to process(search for the DEBIT or CREDIT in your database, and return/take money from the user, as if the transaction has never happened).
Q: Do callerPassword and api_password have the same value?
yes, but callerPassword is sha1 encryption