Retrieves the desired game embed url or embed code for the gameId provided. Only one or another is returned (url or embed_code), so your code should expect that. On DEV enviroment, you can test embed_code via the 914 gameid, In that case you will recieve a short youtube html embed code...

You can also use a fixed gameid by combining system and gametitle, for example ne#ne-attraction this way you're not tied to the ID of the game.

public getGameDirect( int $gameid [, string $lang = string(2) "en" , string $play_for_fun = bool FALSE ] )


Return Values

gamesession_idstring (255 characters)enable tracking the player game sessions that is unique per game launch
sessionidstring (255 characters)enable tracking of player sessions that is unique per login

	[api_password] => xapitest
	[api_login] =>  xapitest
	[method] => getGameDirect
	[lang] => en 
	//[user_id] => 123 //DEPRECATED
	[user_username] => domendomen2
	[user_password] => 687ee8d988b2411bfc6983c4fca2f6c622819ac8
	[gameid] => 568
	[homeurl] =>
	[play_for_fun] => 0
	[currency] => EUR

{"error":0,"response":"https:\/\/\/casino\/frontend\/EmbeddedGame\/EmbeddedGame.swf?gameId=99&gameSWF=thePiramid.swf&sessionHash=test ","new_parameter_example":"value_123","gamesession_id":"gs9834ndasd","sessionid":"123-898sdjkaERRA"}

OR when embed_code is available:


// returned url is to be embedded in this manner, or in a popup window
 `iframe src=""`

public function getGameDirect($gameid,$lang = 'en',$play_for_fun = false){
	if(is_numeric($gameid) && $gameid > 0){
		return $this->client->getGameDirect($gameid,$lang,$play_for_fun);