Get free rounds for the $game. They are valid until $validTo. You can search by multiple games
public getFreeRounds( [ string $currency = string(0) "" ,string $freeround_id , string $games , string $validTo , string $validFrom = string(0) "" ] )
$currency = string(0) "" - Default = "EUR"string
$freeround_id string(0) - Value of the variable looks like 627a500001232103210. string
$gameids required - Value of the variable looks like 787(id) or gs#gs-three-kings(title). string
$validTo = string(0) "" - Default = + 1 week string
$validFrom = string(0) "" - Default = ""string
$betlevel = string(0) "" - Default = "" - Possible values are: min, mid, max. It defines the cost of the bet during the freeroundsRequired parameters: $validTo , $currency
Shows all freerounds that have been added for a specific game
Shows all freeround that have been used for a specific freeround_id and in a specific game The method return all freerounds that have been added for a specific game and filtered by the freeround_id parameter Example: "freeround_id": "627a500001232103210", "gameids": "787", "validTo": "2023-03-30", "validFrom": "2020-02-24" → Lists all freeroundes added for the game: "787", for specific round_id and between the date "validFrom" and "validTo" |
Array ( [api_password] => xapitest [api_login] => xapitest [method] => getFreeRounds [freeround_id] => "" [gameids] => "787" [validFrom] => 2022-04-30 [validTo] => 2022-11-30 [betlevel] => "min" [currency] => EUR ) |
If freeround_id is not set:
If freeround_id is set:
public function getFreeRounds($freeroundId, $games, $validTo, $validFrom = '', $betLevel = ''){ return $this->client->addFreeRounds($freeroundId, $games, $validTo, $validFrom, $betLevel); } |