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titleDebit players balance

Query string nametype (max)descriptionmandatory
actionstringExternal service action [balance, debit, credit]Y
remote_idinteger(10)Unique player idY
amountdouble(10,2)Amount to debit from players accountY
providerstring(2)Game providerY
game_idstring (32 - 40)Unique game id, see action available_gamesY
transaction_idstring(32-70)Unique transaction id for current transaction (In Evolution multiple players playing same table can share transaction_id - combined with remote_id it is unique)Y
gameplay_finalinteger(1)It tells you if the round is finished(1..finished, 0..unfinished)Y
round_idstring(32-70)Game round id for current running game round Y
session_idstring (32 - 40)Unique game session id generated by gamehubY
keystring(40)Request validation cache keyY
gamesession_idstring (255)Enable tracking the player game sessions, if player has multiple sessions open we use session from the last launched gameY
game_id_hashstring (100)Related to introduction of id_hash from getGameList method, can be used the same way as currently is game_id used


feedouble(10,2)Fees related to this transction. Only used in tournament hub.N
tip_in_amountdouble(10,2)Player left a tip for the dealer - it is already included in amount field. Only used in Ezugi livecasino.N
is_freeround_betbooleanThis bet came from freerounds (usualy amount will be 0)N
freeround_spins_remaininginteger(3)Number of freeround spins remaining. Currently not available for all providersN
freeround_idstring(100)ID of the freerounds. It should be the same as "freeround_id" paramater in AddFreerounds responseN
odd_factordouble(10,2)odd factor - only used in sportsbooksN
jackpot_contribution_in_amountdouble(10,6)Amount of bet that is contributed to the jackpot contribution. Already included in bet.N
jackpot_contribution_idsarray of alphanumeric idsIds' of the jackpots this bet is contributing to - deprecatedN
jackpot_contribution_per_idarray of doublesContributions per different jackpot types, in same order as above contribution_ids. - deprecatedN
currencystring(3)Players currency code. Uppercase letters

Code Block
<REMOTE URL>/?action=debit&callerId=test&callerPassword=12dar67890123&remote_id=1&amount=0.3&game_id=3 &transaction_id=27&round_id=123&session_id=123456789012 345678901324567980abcd &key=49f749364b129d9f91d2bef7dd044a93af0fb676&new_parameter=12345&gamesession_id=98erf743arka&game_id_hash=gs_gs-texas-rangers-reward

Code Block


If we get the request with the transaction_id that was already processed on our side, on a retry, the response of the transaction should be the same as on first request.

For example if transaction_id = 61385912731123 response was {"status":"200","balance":"105793.30"}, on a retry with same transaction_id it should be exactly the same response.
