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Returns player balance after debit transaction.


Debit requests are called when user makes a bet, so it's basically a bet request, which includes the amount used to lower player balance.

Request common parameters
Query string name
type (max)
callerIdStringCaller authentication usernameY
callerPasswordStringCaller authentication passwordY
callerPrefixString2 or more letter prefix that is used internally to prefix player username for your accountN
usernameStringPlayer username (non-prefixed) created by your createPlayer callY
Debit players balance
Query string name
type (max)
actionstringExternal service action [balance, debit, credit]Y
remote_idinteger(10)Unique player idY
amountdouble(10,2)Amount to debit from players accountY
providerstring(2)Game providerY
game_idstring (32 - 40)Unique game id, see action available_gamesY
transaction_idstring(32-70)Unique transaction id for current transaction (In Evolution multiple players playing same table can share transaction_id - combined with remote_id it is unique)Y
gameplay_finalinteger(1)It tells you if the round is finished(1..finished, 0..unfinished)Y
round_idstring(32-70)Game round id for current running game round Y
session_idstring (32 - 40)Unique game session id generated by gamehubY
keystring(40)Request validation cache keyY
gamesession_idstring (255)Enable tracking the player game sessions, if player has multiple sessions open we use session from the last launched gameY
game_id_hashstring (100)Related to introduction of id_hash from getGameList method, can be used the same way as currently is game_id used


feedouble(10,2)Fees related to this transction. Only used in tournament hub.N
tip_in_amountdouble(10,2)Player left a tip for the dealer - it is already included in amount field. Only used in Ezugi livecasino.N
is_freeround_betbooleanThis bet came from freerounds (usualy amount will be 0)N
freeround_idstring(100)ID of the freerounds. It should be the same as "freeround_id" paramater in AddFreerounds responseN
odd_factordouble(10,2)odd factor - only used in sportsbooksN
jackpot_contribution_in_amountdouble(10,6)Amount of bet that is contributed to the jackpot contribution. Already included in bet.N
jackpot_contribution_idsarray of alphanumeric idsIds' of the jackpots this bet is contributing to - deprecatedN
jackpot_contribution_per_idarray of doublesContributions per different jackpot types, in same order as above contribution_ids. - deprecatedN
currencystring(3)Players currency code. Uppercase letters
<REMOTE URL>/?action=debit&callerId=test&callerPassword=12dar67890123&remote_id=1&amount=0.3&game_id=3 &transaction_id=27&round_id=123&session_id=123456789012 345678901324567980abcd &key=49f749364b129d9f91d2bef7dd044a93af0fb676&new_parameter=12345&gamesession_id=98erf743arka&game_id_hash=gs_gs-texas-rangers-reward

If we get the request with the transaction_id that was already processed on our side, on a retry, the response of the transaction should be the same as on first request.

For example if transaction_id = 61385912731123 response was {"status":"200","balance":"105793.30"}, on a retry with same transaction_id it should be exactly the same response.

Status codes

External service can respond with 4 type of status codes. 200 for success, 500 service error and 403 for debit transaction refusal. Only status of 200 will be accepted as OK by the Xapi Platform server.

  • status 500 will make the bet to be retried / canceled and rollback will be sent
  • status 403 will make the bet be refused

JSON key
type (max)
statusinteger(3) status codeY
Balancedouble(10,2)Players balance (after transaction)Y
msgstring(255)Error message N
transaction_idstring(8 - 64)Transaction idN
{"status":"200","balance":"300.00"}, {"status":"403","balance":"0.30","msg":"Insufficient funds"}, {"status":"500","msg":"internal error"}
Additional info

Jackpot bets

  • all debit requests that are contributing to jackpot pool wil have jackpot_contribution_in_amount > 0


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