1.2 getGameList()

1.2 getGameList()

Retrieves the games enabled for your agent.

Please note that this list can change over time and is different between staging and production servers! It's best practice to load this list dynamically so you always get the latest games.

retrieved list example
//please note that json response array returns the same game properties
	0 =>array (
		'id' => '568',
		'name' => 'The Pyramid',
        'category' => 'video-slots',
        'subcategory' => '15line',
        'details' => '{"Min bet":"0,05�","Max bet":"25�"}',
        'new' => '0',
        'system' => 'mi',
        'position' => 0,
        'type' => 'video-slots',
        'image' => 'url to game icon',
        'image_preview' => 'url to game screenshot',
        'mobile' => false,
        'play_for_fun_supported' => true,
	1 =>array (
		'id' => '729',
        'name' => 'So 80\'s',
        'category' => 'video-slots',
        'subcategory' => 'classic',
        'details' => '{"Min bet":"0,05�","Max bet":"25�"}',
        'new' => '0',
        'system' => 'mi',
        'position' => 0,
        'type' => 'video-slots',
        'image' => 'url to game icon',
        'image_preview' => 'url to game screenshot',
        'mobile' => false,
        'play_for_fun_supported' => true,
//get game list
	[api_password] => xapitest
	[api_login] => xapitest
	[method] => getGameList
	[show_systems] => 0
	[currency] => EUR

REST RESPONSE on show_systems = 1:
/small\/la\/pirates.png","image_preview":"http:\/\/dev.example.com:8090\/media\/images\/popup\/pirates.jpg","provider":"la","provider_name":"Casino Name"}

Info provided for each game:

intidgameId to be used with getGame function
stringnamegame name
stringcategorygame main category
stringtypegame type (video-slots,video-poker...)
stringsubcategoryoptional subcategory
stringdetailsoptional data for a game in a json format
stringsysteminternal shortname for game provider
stringimagegame thumbnail image
stringimage_previewgame screenshot image
booleannewset when the game is new in our system
booleanplay_for_fun_supportedset when the game supports play for fun mode
stringcurrencyplayers currency code

Return Values

  • array
stringid_hashunique string identifier
intid_parentparent game id of the current game if available
stringid_hash_parentsame as id_parent but identified as unique string identifier
booleanfreerounds_supportedspecifies if game supports activation of free rounds via 'addFreeRounds' method
booleanhas_jackpotspecifies if game has jackpots
stringimage_filleddirect url to the non-transparent rectangle image icon
stringimage_backgrounddirect url to the game background image
stringimage_portraitdirect url to the portrait image
stringimage_squaredirect url to the square image
stringimage_bwdirect url to the black and white image

Source Code
public function getGameList($show_systems = false){
    return $this->client->getGameList($show_systems);

Please note that this list can change over time and is different between staging and production servers! It's best practice to load this list dynamically so you always get the latest games.

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