4.2 getRoundHistory() *

4.2 getRoundHistory() *

Retrieves players round per given round_id and game_id


  • string $api_login required
  • string $api_password required
  • string $method required value 'getRoundHistory'
  • string $user_username required  - see loginPlayer method
  • string $user_password required  - see loginPlayer method
  • string $game_id required  - In numeric format 1234, or gamehash format gs#gs-power-tiger.
  • string $round_id required  - round_id provided to you in credit/debit requests.
  • string $currency optional - If multicurrency is enabled, this is mandatory.

    Return Values

    POST data
        [api_login] => xapitests2s
        [api_password] => xapitest
        [method] => getRoundHistory
        [game_id] => 3417
    	[round_id] => -1105257958
        [user_username] => test2
        [user_password] => d22a5985fe6183d51a21d6c9ffa6ab3fb4f7321c
    	[currency] => EUR
    // returned data example for return_format url
      "error": 0,
      "response": "http:\/\/dev.pantaloo.com\/players\/tpl\/twoiframes?first=http%3A%2F%2Fdev.pantaloo.com%2Fplayers%2Fgamehistory%2Fspins%2F%3Fplayerid%3DOTgyMTY3%26s%3DZmEwM2EwLTk4NjE4NDY1%26system%3DZ3M%253D%26gameid%3DMzQxNw%253D%253D%26ticket%3DLTExMDUyNTc5NTg%253D&second=http%3A%2F%2Fdev.pantaloo.com%2Fplayers%2Fgamehistory%2Frounddetail%2Fgs%2F%3Fplayerid%3DOTgyMTY3%26t%3DLTExMDUyNTc5NTg%3D%26gameid%3D105",
      "currency": "EUR"

    Api will return view with two iframes. First iframe will load round history as it is saved on our system while second iframe will show the history as it is fetched from the game provider. This might vary from provider to provider, since not all providers support fetching it via API. In this case, you would only receive our history. Also make sure all parameters being sent are valid, since if not, processed round history might not be found.

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