9.1 get Latest Winners

9.1 get Latest Winners

Enables for utilization of the the outside service Pusher.io to connect your frontend casino section you desire to a WebSocket connection, which will output latest winners in near real-time.

You can decide to use our own js library, where you already get built html and can modify custom css, or pick to use any library that is available on pusher side and use only our json response to get channel and latest winners at the time of the request.

Documentation on pusher.io for alternate libraries


{ "api_password": "xapitest", "api_login": "xapitest", "method": "getLatestWinners", "device":"desktop", "custom_style":false, "render": "json", "currency": "EUR" }


Parameter “device” specifies whether the client casino is loaded for mobile or desktop and returns mobile or desktop parameters based on if device is either “desktop” or “mobile”

Parameter “render” defines how you wish to load the data. If you want “plug & play” solution, you are better to use emmbed code returned if render is “html”. You can further modify the response with adding custom css to the classes that are returned so you fit them to your own needs. If you want to build your own logic for frontend and only use data and get pusher key and channel, you can call with render “json” to recieve data in json with which to build and then use pusher credentials to listen to WebSocket events.

Parameter “custom_style" is used for custom css. If you set the “custom_style” parameter to “true”, it will return a response without any styling, meaning you can use your own. If the “custom_style” parameter is set to “false” or is not set at all, it will return the response with our default css.


{ "api_password": "xapitest", "api_login": "xapitest", "method": "getLatestWinners", "device":"desktop", "render": "html", "currency": "EUR" }

Response example:

<div class="lbm-latestwinners item"> <div class="heading-title-container"> <div class="heading-title">BIG WINNERS</div> </div> <div class="lbmlw-cont"></div> </div><script id="data-lbm-cont" type="application/json" defer>[{"multiplier":733.3333333333334,"currencysymbol":"\u20ac","type":"big-win","playerusername":"z09*****","gameid":"126395","gamename":"Nine Tails","gamecategory":"habanero","created":1692601219,"amount":2200,"amount_f":"2,200","image":"\/media\/images\/slots\/small\/ha\/jpg\/ha-nine-tails.jpg"},{"multiplier":66.66666666666667,"currencysymbol":"\u20ac","type":"big-win","playerusername":"z09*****","gameid":"126395","gamename":"Nine Tails","gamecategory":"habanero","created":1692601211,"amount":200,"amount_f":"200","image":"\/media\/images\/slots\/small\/ha\/jpg\/ha-nine-tails.jpg"}]</script> </script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.4/jquery.min.js" defer>console.log('from regular');</script> <script src="https://dev-game-launch.pantaloo.com/media/js/GameHub_bigwins.js?<?=Html::version_js();?>" onload="GameHub_bigWins.init(fa**************bd73, '51**************b3e','topwinners', 'en','.lbmbw-cont','.lbmlw-cont', false, 'https://dev-game-launch.pantaloo.com');" defer>console.log('from regular 2');</script>



{ "api_password": "xapitest", "api_login": "xapitest", "method": "getLatestWinners", "device":"desktop", "render": "json", "currency": "EUR" }

Response example:

{ "error": 0, "response": { "pusher_key": "51**************b3e", "pusher_channel": "fa**************bd73", "data": [ { "multiplier": 733.3333333333334, "currencysymbol": "€", "type": "big-win", "playerusername": "z09*****", "gameid": "126395", "gamename": "Nine Tails", "gamecategory": "habanero", "created": 1692601219, "amount": 2200, "amount_f": "2,200", "image": "\/media\/images\/slots\/small\/ha\/jpg\/ha-nine-tails.jpg" }, { "multiplier": 66.66666666666667, "currencysymbol": "€", "type": "big-win", "playerusername": "z09*****", "gameid": "126395", "gamename": "Nine Tails", "gamecategory": "habanero", "created": 1692601211, "amount": 200, "amount_f": "200", "image": "\/media\/images\/slots\/small\/ha\/jpg\/ha-nine-tails.jpg" } ] }, "currency": "EUR" }


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