Seamless player debit callback

Seamless player debit callback

Returns player balance after debit transaction.

If you decide to implement freerounds parameter freeround_id becomes mandatory.

Query string name
type (max)
callerIdStringCaller authentication usernameY
callerPasswordStringCaller authentication passwordY
actionstringExternal service action [balance, debit, credit]Y
usernameStringUnique player id, user_username from getGame callY
session_idstring (32 - 40)Unique game session id generated by providerY
amountdouble(10,2)Amount to withdraw from players account (0 during freerounds awarded via API)Y
game_id_hashstringGame id, same as id used for game launch in getGameY
transaction_idstring(32-70)Unique transaction id for current transactionY
round_idstring(32-70)Game round id for current running game roundY
gameplay_finalinteger(1)It tells you if the round is finished(1..finished, 0..unfinished)Y
is_freeround_betinteger(1)This bet came from freerounds (usualy amount will be 0)Y
freeround_idstring(100)ID of the freerounds. It should be the same as "freeround_id" parameter in AddFreerounds responseN
jackpot_contribution_in_amountdouble(10,4)Amount of bet that is contributed to the jackpot contribution. Already included in bet.N
gamesession_idstring (255)Enable tracking the player game sessionsY
keystring (40)Request validation cache keyY



<REMOTE URL>/api/seamless/s2s/gh?callerId=danitestdev_s&callerPassword=7c222fb2927d828af22f592134e8932480637c0d&action=debit&username=946062&session_id=5abe10f0c71ae&amount=2&game_id_hash=re_re-reactor&transaction_id=re-96939786-11&round_id=96939786&gameplay_final=0&is_freeround_bet=0&jackpot_contribution_in_amount=0.000000&gamesession_id=re_924795-762e30b2ab6e3dd4fdf0-47477&key=9c474472432d70239cd443bc6ab9fe37bab32b7d



External service can respond with 3 type of status codes. 200 for success, 500 service error and 403 for debit transaction refusal (sending rollback is not acceptable on 403).

  • status 500 will make the bet to be retried
  • status 403 will make the bet be refused (insufficient funds error)


{"status":"403","msg":"bet rejected"}

{"status":"500","msg":"internal error"}

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