Seamless player rollback callback

Seamless player rollback callback

Rollbacks a given transaction. We will always use the amount from the transaction_id that is being rollbacked ignoring actual amount in this request.

Query string name
type (max)
callerIdStringCaller authentication usernameY
callerPasswordStringCaller authentication passwordY
actionstringExternal service action [balance, debit, credit, rollback]Y
usernameStringUnique player id, user_username from getGame callY
session_idstring (32 - 40)Unique game session id generated by providerY
amountdouble(10,2)We will use amount from original transaction to rollback
game_id_hashstringGame id, same as id used for game launch in getGameN
transaction_idstring(32-70)Id of transaction that is going to be rollbackedY
round_idstring(32-70)Game round id for current running game roundN
gameplay_finalinteger(1)It tells you if the round is finished(1..finished, 0..unfinished)N
gamesession_idstring (255)Enable tracking the player game sessionsY
keystring (40)Request validation cache keyY



<REMOTE URL>/api/seamless/s2s/gh?callerId=danitestdev_s&callerPassword=7c222fb2927d828af22f592134e8932480637c0d&action=rollback&username=946062&session_id=5abe10f0c71ae&amount=0.36&game_id_hash=ep_ep-emperors-tomb-mobile&transaction_id=ep-6ed9bb0895c1e&round_id=90731502789&gameplay_final=1&gamesession_id=ep_10066325-a82e6bb3bf387557f24e-13849&key=7d9e8b8d824bc46dcfc5a92fbb253da542472ab4



External service can respond with 3 type of status codes. 200 for success, 500 service error and 404 for missing transaction.

  • status 500 will make the rollback to be retried


{"status":"404","msg":"transaction missing"}

{"status":"500","msg":"internal error"}

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