Seamless player credit callback

Seamless player credit callback

Returns player balance after credit transaction. Credit should be called after every debit, even if credit amount is 0. This signifies with gameplay_final = 1 that a game round is complete.

If you decide to implement freerounds these optional parameters become mandatory: freeround_id, freeround_completed and freeround_spins_remaining

Query string name
type (max)
callerIdStringCaller authentication usernameY
callerPasswordStringCaller authentication passwordY
actionstringExternal service action [balance, debit, credit]Y
usernameStringUnique player id, user_username from getGame callY
session_idstring (32 - 40)Unique game session id generated by providerY
amountdouble(10,2)Amount to credit to players accountY
game_id_hashstringGame id, same as id used for game launch in getGameY
transaction_idstring(32-70)Unique transaction id for current transactionY
round_idstring(32-70)Game round id for current running game roundY
gameplay_finalinteger(1)It tells you if the round is finished(1..finished, 0..unfinished)Y
is_freeround_wininteger(1)This bet came from freerounds (usualy amount will be 0)Y
freeround_spins_remaininginteger(3)Number of freerounds remainingN
freeround_completedinteger(1)true if this is the last spin during freerounds, false otherwiseN
freeround_idstring(100)ID of the freerounds. It should be the same as "freeround_id" parameter in AddFreerounds responseN
is_jackpot_wininteger(1)This is a jackpot win.Y
jackpot_win_in_amountdouble(10,2)Jackpot amount won - already included in the amount property.N
gamesession_idstring (255)Enable tracking the player game sessionsY
is_promo_wininteger(1)Win is a part of promotionN
keystring (40)Request validation cache keyY



<REMOTE URL>/api/seamless/s2s/gh?callerId=danitestdev_s&callerPassword=7c222fb2927d828af22f592134e8932480637c0d&action=credit&username=946062&session_id=5abe10f0c71ae&amount=0.00&game_id_hash=re_re-reactor&transaction_id=re-96939786-12&round_id=96939786&gameplay_final=1&is_freeround_win=0&is_jackpot_win=0&jackpot_win_in_amount=0.00&gamesession_id=re_924795-762e30b2ab6e3dd4fdf0-47477&key=3e46cf20f85bb292d87c02ba4d9360e32d3ec250



External service can respond with 3 type of status codes. 200 for success, 500 service error and 403 for credit transaction refusal.

  • status 500 will make the win to be retried
  • status 403 will make the win to be refused



{"status":"500","msg":"internal error"}

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